Updating the Integration Logic

Now that your Frigg app is installed fresh out-of-the-box and your data is returning from your connected HubSpot account, let's pull data from another section within the same HubSpot account.

Roll up your sleeves- now it’s time to get your hands in the code and customize your integration.

Getting Started

Open your Frigg app project in your IDE. In the backend folder, look for the /src/integrations directory and open your HubSpotIntegration.js file.

Understanding HubSpotIntegration.js

This file is where all the integration magic happens. It tells Frigg which API modules should be connected to use the integration and contains all of the integration logic. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • API Modules: Specifies which API modules are part of the integration.

  • Display Information: Defines the display (description, label, categories, etc.) for the frontend.

  • Lifecycle Event Handlers: Provides code/handlers for the lifecycle events of the integration (onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete).

  • Configuration Options: Determines what users can configure for the integration (getConfigOptions).

  • Event Handlers: Expands on the events that should trigger flows in the integration and defines handlers for those events.

  • User Actions: Defines user actions available for leveraging the integration.

The power of this file lies in its ability to manage all aspects of the integration from a single point of entry. This allows for quicker development and easier maintenance.

Swapping the Data Source

In the HubSpotIntegration.js file, find the getSampleData method. This is where the backend route fetches the data to display in the frontend. Update the code inside to fetch data from HubSpot’s "Companies" instead of "Deals" by replacing the original code with the following and saving the changes:

async getSampleData() {
        const res = await this.target.api.listCompanies()
        const formatted = res.results.map(company => {
            const formattedCompany = {
                id: company.id,
                createdAt: company.createdAt,

            return formattedCompany
        return {data: formatted}


To apply these changes, restart your Frigg app by terminating the backend process (command or ctrl & C) and running:

npm run start

This ensures the Frigg app backend service is updated with the new data fetching logic.

Testing Your Changes

Go to your HubSpot account and add some company data manually or by importing a CSV file. For detailed steps, refer to the Connecting and Seeing Live Data section. Now refresh your app to see the new data displayed.

Obviously, this is just a small change to the existing integration logic, not a fully fledged new feature. But one small change to the code has the potential to make a big impact for your integration users. Feel free to keep editing and exploring to get a feel for how simple it is to modify your existing integration logic, or check out our more advanced guides and tutorials to add more robust features.

In our next section, we'll show how easy it is to get up and running with a fully new integration.

Last updated