Help Scout

This API Module allows your app to connect to the Help Scout Mailbox API.

Supported Functionality

  • Resource Owner

    • getUserDetails(): Gets the resource owner details (/me endpoint)

  • Conversations

    • listConversations(): Gets the paginated list of conversations

  • Customers

    • listCustomers(): Gets the paginated list of customers

    • createCustomer(body): Creates a customer

    • deleteCustomer(id): Deletes a customer by ID

  • Mailboxes

    • listMailboxes(): Gets the paginated list of mailboxes

Please note the Api Module doesn't do any data manipulations. Please refer to the official documentation to look at the exact data shapes.

Looking for more? We love contributions!

  • Here you can find the official list of endpoints.

  • Here you can find instructions for setting up the integration locally in order to make contributions to the project.

Last updated